2012 THOMAS WOLFE SOCIETY Annual Meeting
Call for PAPERS
Asheville, North Carolina
MAY 18-19, 2012

Please join us for the 34th Annual Meeting of the Thomas Wolfe Society to be held May 18-19 at the Asheville Renaissance (31 Woodfin St.) across from the Thomas Wolfe Memorial in Asheville, North Carolina.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Thomas Wolfe and Appalachia.” Although proposals are welcome on any theme related to Thomas Wolfe and his work, presentations that explore Wolfe’s engagement of southern Appalachia are especially welcome. Possibilities include but are not limited to considerations of Wolfe’s relationship to home and the mountains, ecocritical readings of Wolfe’s writing, or a consideration of the ways his writing manifests Appalachian politics, sociology, folkways, philosophies, or aesthetics.

Please send 250-word paper proposals by January 10, 2012 (asap) to:
[email protected]


Dr. George Hovis
Department of English
322 Netzer Admin. Bldg.
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820-4015

For email submissions, please include in the subject heading WOLFE PROPOSAL.