Registration for the 2012 TWS Conference
The registration fee for the 2012 Thomas Wolfe Society's annual meeting is $110 per person and includes all sessions and the Saturday evening banquet. Students may register for $55 per person (includes all sessions and banquet). Guests of conference attendees who wish...
2012 TWS Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC
THOMAS WOLFE CONFERENCE: ASHEVILLE, NC MAY 18-19, 2012 Please join us for the 34th Annual Meeting of the Thomas Wolfe Society, to be held May 18-19 at the Asheville Renaissance (31 Woodfin St.), just across from the Thomas Wolfe Memorial in Asheville, North...
2012 TWS Annual Meeting: Call for Papers
2012 THOMAS WOLFE SOCIETY Annual Meeting Call for PAPERS Asheville, North Carolina MAY 18-19, 2012 Please join us for the 34th Annual Meeting of the Thomas Wolfe Society to be held May 18-19 at the Asheville Renaissance (31 Woodfin St.) across from the...
Call for articles on Wolfe into Film for the North Carolina Literary Review
The 2011 issue of the North Carolina Literary Review (NCLR) is at the printer—our 20th issue!--please consider subscribing if you don't already. An NCLR subscription is part of a membership in the North Carolina Literary & Historical Association; or you can...
Conference Update: Tour the Flannery O’Connor House
For those of you arriving a day early to the Thomas Wolfe Society's annual meeting, please know that we are arranging a special tour of the Flannery O'Connor house Thursday, May 19, at 5 p.m. We will assemble in the Hilton Hotel lobby and be escorted by a SCAD writing...
Hotels within walking distance of TWS Annual Mtg.
Get a LIST OF HOTELS within walking distance of the 2011 TWS Annual Meeting in Savannah, GA. Click on the hotlink.